High this lesson is the most important lesson the reader sees and you have to just stay few minutes

of your time to just focus on this lesson because this lesson is going to give you so much of knowledge

about digital marketing that you could probably decide your career on the basis of what you want to

your to digital marketing is the future.

And I'm tired of getting this on second.

Digital Marketing is all about people who are passionate about this industry.

There are so many things happening in digital marketing and you need to understand what exactly is Digital

Marketing and what are those various terminologies and processes associated with the Sukses campaigns

strongly associated with digital marketing.

So let's get started.

So when a brand is going digital These are the kind of objectives that the plans set one making of website

search engine assembly and driving traffic to the means of search engines which is organic traffic to

drive traffic to the website.

In short period of time we just to lead by example and the values come in that are coming around and

you have a product to sell and you know that you can't rely on organic we should drive traffic.

Then you got to build means and you try to get good traffic to your website.

And that will probably lead to conversion or the bodies of the products that you are trying to say that

talking is to engage and educate your audience as well.

Our objective is to use social media channels in order to just keep your audience informed and educated

about the products or services of what's happening in your 40s to leach out of the side audience.

You create a demand for your product and you try to sell your product and service even if the person

has started.

And to the means of the modulation.

You try to drive.

Let's remember there are two things in one.

It's called the modulation.

And second is goldmines demodulation is when you have a product which is fairly new in the market and

you believe that there are not many people searching.

For example REZO not many people Sorge Parliament's razor on Google but you can go on up on the Facebook

timeline of those guys and you can tell theres a new reason in the market which costs you might treat

obese or total BS a hundred piece and you can delay the monthly or you display your advertisements to

your audience and show interest in what's best demountable said is when somebody is trying to search

for a particular product and you showcase your advertisements that for example you go on Google.

You will search for best results on men and your advertisement appeals.

So that is based on fulfillment by number a five digit lead one on one marketing opportunities which

is the means of social selling to engage our existing databases to the customer audience marketing of

getting caught readership by blogging doing a lot of content marketing and doing online petition management.

Many brands get on the Internet to just offered the customer service.

So the idea is to use social media channels or search engines to build a reputation online.

So these are some of the core objectives Blant trying to say mehndi get on the digital bandwagon now

lets understand the various possibilities in the digital marketing ecosystem.

Digital Marketing ecosystem has search engine optimization it has search engine marketing social media

marketing email marketing.

Explain what you guys affiliate marketing inbound marketing influence of marketing and content.

Let's look at search engine optimization search engine optimization is the process of bringing your

website on top page of Google organically.

For example when you tried to go on Google search or whole Saudis in India and when you see these listings

out here these listings are the best examples of search engine optimization where you will notice people

pick up this magical word called keyboard and they use these key words in their diapers.

They use these keywords in their wallets.

They use this key words in their content so they try to incorporate the key role in the website in the

smartest way possible.

There are some techniques called on page documentation which people use in order to make your website

navigation friendly in order to make a website user friendly in order to make a website keywords indexed

in order to make your website search engine friendly by taking all those bad Amygdalus the search engines

like Google or bading wants to look at in order to bring your website on top.

Now this is one of the examples of search engine optimization.

Here's another example.

For example when you go search for the marketing exporting in India you'll see me on the top three or

top five list.

This is the component of picking up the key word that I believe my users are good so far.

For example you're probably listening to me because you search for marketing training in India.

So when somebody is trying to search for -- marketing training in India you probably see some of

my blogs on the top when you click on that particular blog you're more likely to see putting a cut of

pop up to you when I ask you if interested in learning 2:03 marketing for me.

So in a nutshell all that I'm trying to tell you here is that in the digital marketing spectrum search

engine optimization plays the most important goal because the majority of traffic today comes from search


Many people Google and the other cyclists on top you're more likely to drive traffic to your website.

So here is another example.

Anybody who goes searches for digital marketing agency Jenae you'll probably see the local listings

which is called Google Map listings and you'll see me on top.

So this is also the bike component of search engine optimization.

Unless or until you're not aiming to bring your website on top page of google you will be never in a

position to bring your website on top of Bubel So you have to make your website search engine friendly

because you will notice that the majority of traffic.

This is one week's report of my blog.

I get almost three thousand three hundred seventy two as it does every week and I'm aiming to get that

number day to the means of search engines.


Because I'm forced to go and figure out what people searching for.

For example Google Keyword plan.

But it's a free tool available on the Internet.

You can even Google about it will help you decide how many people are searching for that particular


For example if you search for uniforms in shoes about 170 people search for school uniform online seemliness.

If I search for whole foods wholesale sites it shows that about 80 people searches for wholesale sorry's

and about 320 people searches for wholesale Sardi's insolvent and over 200000 people searching for wholesale

sorry which is exclusive of S..

And then about 260 people searches for wholesale sites online.

Not at all content.

Blammo from a search engine optimization mindset.

I will try to write a blog on best places to buy wholesale Saudis ensued.

Where can I buy wholesale sardines in Sulit if I'm trying to drive traffic the audience who's trying

to search for the key words that then does higher chances of me getting majority of traffic because

I am incompetent.

Those key words in my blog on my website.

See if I have a uniform set up I will try to write a blog on school uniforms online.

This will attract the kind of audience people who are searching for uniforms and school uniform and

school uniform only remember the.

William here defines the number of people searching for that particular award which will help you understand

what exactly is in mind for that particular Prochnik.

Now let's understand a little bit more about search engine optimization.

It's two phase process on speech and of speech.

Some people call it onsite and offset is the process where you try to pick up the right key word that

you believe your audience is searching for.

Basically what's right.

For example you're on a motorcycle repair business.

You probably right content on or you have upside with the right wing corporate advocacies best motorcycle

repair shop in China or best motorcycle the bike repair shop in your your best motorcycle ex-spy veg

in your area.

So you try to basically cop in those key words in your website to depend upon keywords how you can copy

those key words in tags tags all tags and the release of the things that you try to do in the autumn

in order to optimize your website and make it search engine friendly.

And then there is offsite which is offbeat optimization.

The idea is very simple here.

Google works on the basis of credibility in the real world.

When you like my VDU you will tell this to other people.

If you probably like my video dignus you are allowed to share it with your friends on whatsapp and tell

them that you look out for you.

You will probably learn a lot about digital marketing or you might share this on the social media channels

or you might even write a blog about how you have learned so and so things from watching my videos.

So when you are making the effort in order to promote me on social media channels on your blog or your

website do you actually try to softly mix that particular you are quite really popular and Google starts

thinking that theres a lot of people talking about this but you are really on the Internet.

So looks like there is something good about it.

So they will try to push this and bring this on top of the new member.

This is called Link Building where I try to build links for my website on my blog.

I can create X Y Z dot com EBC dot com e be dot com or expect that whatever dot com I am trying to build

one store website and I try to create multiple sites to support my strong website or I approach all

the blogs and I tell them to please give me a baffling like about me so that I can start seeing Google

considering me as a credible website on the Internet.

So that is offbeat optimization on pages you went shopping.

Next you have the best stall in place and offbeat is people going and talking out in the marketing.

This guy has the best tool in place.

You remember to get started in your search engine optimization and search engine marketing Joany you

really need to have a way to good website a website which is mobile friendly a website that has content

that people are trying to search for.

For example I have used the word digital marketing training digital marketing agency on my website which

makes it very clear for people that I'm trying to use these keywords in order to bring my website on

top of Google to go on it call me Darton.

But just my company's website or when you go on Sergeant dot com in both of these places you are more

likely to see the keywords enriched

you're more likely to see he was incarcerated considering the fact what people are searching for and

conceal the.

The key word that can bring business value polish on my blog from my website.

Remember Su's about building traffic could be an upside.

Organically to have different pattern because when you go to get on the shop floor and you stand there

and you try to ask the person can you please give me a particular product.

When he's free he's going to do the job very quickly.

But when he's occupied with six other customers you stand there you need the loading process is very


It takes time and you only get it.

And you probably tell your mother or your father that let's just leave the shop right now because it's

two or 9 or you probably figured out other things.

Just check out things.

If there's some space to stand because the places to clutter the loading time is very high.

The post is not responding.

And just last use an expedient but at the same point of time you try to go to a department store and

you went to the departmental store you go to buy one product Maybe you to buy a particular grocery but

you just don't buy one.

You try to buy you try to buy a lot more details.

For example you pick up something else and then you see navigation which just says there are vegetables


Are there fruits available there.

It is awful.

There are so many interesting things there to ensure that the person who comes inside to just bite because

he just does not buy grocery and buys everything else along side puts it inside and walks out because

that department still gives you an amazing user experience.

Honestly I call that they help me sometimes when I'm stressed.

I just walk a walk down to a store which is next site and just go shopping because I enjoy looking at

so things and they use that experience and just keep buying things which I love.

So in a nutshell what I'm just trying to tell you is search engine optimization or your website needs

to be not should not be like that kirana shop but your website needs to be like that departmental is

told which can give an amazing user experience for them.

So that's Search Engine Optimization.

So let's look at search engine market.

This is the process.

Many are impatient and you want to drive immediately for your business.

You don't have the effort of Vanocur position to bring your website on top page of Google to search

engine optimization or there's enough competition in the market and you believe that you are not in

a position to crack it because it's a new launch and you want to be on top.

Remember when you're Googling the first four things that you see in the results out there are bike components

of Google ads.

So you're more likely to see those Google ads for example if I'm doing them Google today and I'm searching

for that to be marketing.


So what I see here are one and two and three are full and busy and these are out here.

This is search engine marketing.

They you'll be able to bring the other side on top page of Google.

Now let's look at how search engine Mark inbox is by a component of.

How much do you people.

For example let's take the example of school uniforms again.

Google shows you that about 2900 people in this country on an average.

So just for school uniform online or finding the people such as school uniform online and 2900 people

such as school uniform the cost for the world for school uniform online is 19 apiece.

The cost for keyword for school uniform alone is 18.

So up you have to understand two things.

Number one the word school uniforms are the words from online.

It's where you try to be in order to bring your website on top of Google.

So you pay Google about 19000 apiece or 20000 a piece in order to get at least thousand visitors coming

to your site because on average the cost for keyhole is about 20.

So when you paid 20000 rupees 20 in 2000 is about 20000 people.

Every time your advertisement is shown on Google and somebody is clicking on it you have to be Google.

It's like a debit card system.

You pay Google 25000 the reason at once when somebody is clicking on your aggrandisement whatever the

cost of that particular keyword it will depend on your account.

So in this process something that miraculous is the choice of key words the advertisements that you

show and how often you have been aggrandising and what is called the school of events.

So these are some of the bad goes that mackerels seamlessness to yet another example see when somebody

is trying to search for digital marketing calls an average cost per click is about 140 to piece because

if you look at this site.

So just in Buddhism or 166 167 if I take an average is about 140 people.

And if I take these keywords and I try to run advertisements for the same and if I'm spending on one

like 40000 bees I'm aiming at about 10000 visitors coming on my site and on the basis of what we do

on my website I conclude the article y of my search engine marketing campaign.

The memo in your search engine marketing campaign you need to have an amazing landing beach a landing

pietists a beach where people lag after they look at your advertisement.

This is not your website.

This is your landing page.

So let's say for example you're walking down the street and then you see two different kinds of fun

with C's see up to 50 percent off.

And the other sees some 50 percent off and something that would attract you more as the flashes keep

us dark.

And when you enter the store and then you realize there's nothing in that particular store which is

under a lot of people and does you feel good and you walk out or sometimes just see one.

No but you will have some issues or some issues like that which is really all crowded up there and you'll

see half of the bus and then and then whatever you like grab me they'll say This is FRESH start or this

is yes ma'am.

And there's no flat 50 percent off on them.

So that is a bad experience you.

So something that I'm trying to teach you is the relevancy when you go to a store and then you see flat

50 percent of bad.

There you see a lot of products under that particular lack of golf.

You have a smile on your face.

You pick something and you walk because you saw lots of people start off by know you got inside you

saw the liberal banner out there and you pick the.

And you.

So that is an example of an landing beach and landing beach is a beach big feature to select your taxman's.

If your advertisement say slack off your landing need to see black people and off too.

So if you drive up the oversight on that Web site you don't show any flag 50 percent of that.

And they're selecting samples to look at.

He gets lost.

So he can not make an inquiry.

He will not purchase the Atlantic.

He will just walk out of that particular lapse.

So you need to give that excuse to search engine marketing strongly depends upon the key words are too


How you call them how you bring the elements of advertisements and to the Lagman beach out there.

So here is an example when you see Buy one get one free ticket.

And when you have a landing page with the shoes.

Buy one get one free.

That's a whole lot of elements.

And that relationship is quite clear between the advertisement and the long beach of meat.

So that's an example of what exactly I mean by landing beach hour day.

So that's a very important component of search engine marketing.

Google ads also has YouTube advertisements.

You also see the advertisements of a or various websites you see in banner ads when you Google

for tissues.

You'll see a lot of images ads and that is basically e-commerce ads for you.

So there are various components of Google advertisements that you would expertize when you learn about

search engine marketing.

Remember Google is just not the search engine.

There's also a debate which is quite popular.

So we'll see if we also want to master the art of using being in the market.

Now let's understand what social media marketing social media marketing is the art of using social networking

sites to attract or engage your audience.

Now remember one thing when you're using social media channels for business you try to look at Facebook

Twitter LinkedIn YouTube some a completely different perspective.

You have to understand social media is a place for people to hang on.

And when people are hanging out you're going to use your advertisements to them and ask you who interviews

your advertisements to them in this process.

You go into use your content to them in this process when they share your content to people that in

natural social media marketing.

So let's look at what is happening in India or in any country across the world.

So if you use various forms of communication we have sent doffs for communicate communication.

We use video we are used televisions we have use postcards telephones mobile phones we use internet

computers but every single phone is now getting digitized on all these different means of communication.

It's probably entering into a zone of digitization and the digitization is the key component of where

the new editor of marketing begins.

And as news of the marketing begins you have to really digitize your business and you have to understand

form of communication to me is either to the means of digital or to these means of social media channels.

There's a transition phase in communication.

There are so many issues like on Facebook.

So you need to really figure out how do you drive your customers some Facebook to your website.

And that's the ultimate strategy.

A lot of businesses are failing.

They use social media channels to drive conversations.

They use social media channels to drive traffic something that is more beneficial.

It's driving traffic to your website using social media channels because you build your audience on

your website and some people use social media channels directly to run advertisements to do social selling

in order to drive inquiries for their business.

So social media is the next big thing.

More I would say social media is the only big thing in that ever booming digital marketing industry.

So you have to master social media marketing because that's not a subject that you can easily muster.

Remember social media business ecosystem is just not about sales or conversation or engagement.

I've always believed social media is all about online application management.

We're a smart marketing person planning for example how I use my Facebook Twitter LinkedIn as well as

my YouTube channel and my blog in order to build my post live blog.

A lot of people use social media channels to build their personal brand name you have social CRM interactive

marketing customer service research crowdsourcing PR or office recruitment and branding.

Now let me look at one of the case that is out here I would probably take in custody of all the British

management and customer service.

When you go on Twitter and you meet or tweet to add in all of them you will immediately see them responding

within 15 to 30 minutes and they will try to resolve this problem within to us.

That's it transparency.

I mean the complaint is raised on social media.

You're complaining in front of the dashboard.

So that particular brand of fiction is stake.

And when their partner brands if the shoe is on see they will try to apply you as quickly as possible.

So there are these brands we use social media channels for public relations.

So an example of cash flow dot.com which you'll be seen some of my reviews little so in that social

media business ecosystem is just not about using your Facebook page to communicate.

There's a lot that you can do in this surely next month.

Content Marketing Content Marketing is a process when the content becomes a trust agent and head selling

your plan most of your business.

For example I like a lot of content besides on my blog I write content that I believe my audience is

going to search for content which I believe that can create a value for my audience.

I like content with a strong objective in order to build my brand on the intimate space.

So when somebody is trying to search for de-listed companies de-listed digital marketing companies in

India are really marketing crystalise you'll probably see my blog went up when somebody is trying to

search for realistic hospital based and marketing just to visit family see my blog go.

So this is content marketing where I use my content as a product.

I read interesting pieces of content.

I use this product I sell it to people.

I drive traffic for my content because that content is actually helping to build my brand.

For example a saloon in the city.

What kind of content can they.

They can probably write a content on 50 amazing has times in TNA created by us.

So what happens when somebody is trying to search for best hair styles in Chennai.

Our best has set designer.

Gemini You are more likely to see that blog on that website.

Coming on top where that particular content piece is written.

So most of these can go to black people to click on and they didn't do it.

So content marketing is the magical piece of the next piece.

Remember guys Internet marketing is all about the content content is the king.

Content is the key and content drives everything Transfield survive interesting content for your business

the member your content.

Walks like a trampoline.

When I write my content on my blog my blog is a time that people can jam each all other avenues for

example I use Mediaset X I use inbound marketing I use are in marketing.

I use su.

I use social media.

I use me in order to drive traffic to my and in order to drive traffic to my blog.

So I guess is that the person jumps your need just isnt in it and drive traffic from that particular

platform to their blog.

So back in a nutshell is basically content marketing see where you put the effort in driving traffic

your site to be honest.

How many people are visiting your site.

How much time are they spending.

How many.

Why the key and what is the value that you find to bring back to the next interesting thing to look

at is in BARMAK waters in bond market in my marketing is an art.

When you first drive traffic Lets take one example.

When you are trying to do well thats the marketing and MBA and you see my local bar you come to my website

you see about overseas marketing cause you subscribe for it.

You start getting emails from me and then when you see emails coming from me I take it.

I tried I tried to start conversing with you and I start conversing with you.

I got to sell my goods to you by telling you that for my courses or take any of my products.

So in a nutshell I'm doing a Polish based marketing.

When I first tried to pull people in the process I not all of them.

I didn't try to convert them into a potential lead.

And then I tried to see if I could convert them to business by helping them more.

So people will subscribe to my courses who are getting this lesson.

You're more likely to get more lessons so I want to back in.

How many people are receiving this lessons.

How many people are watching these lessons.

How important was open.

All my lessons and have all my lessons so I've captured you in my fun.

I'm not seeing you right now and am trying to convert you into a potential all or subscribe of all my

big courses which is going to help you little bit more in order to understand digital marketing.

So in a nutshell that is in marketing that I'm selling you educational pieces of content in order to

bring traffic to the website.

Next one in the kitty is influence and marketing.

It's a process of using the influence of the two personalities celebrities and court leaders to spread

the word about your back.

These are the people who will charge you to talk about your business on the Internet because they have

Gaffney's and bakshish can be of great value.

For example I would actually make an influential in this country.

So when I take a product which is closely associated with digital marketing and about it to you you're

more likely to trust at the same point of time.

If I pick up any random product and I start talking about day you'll be asking me what's wrong with

you why are you talking about.

So the expectation is set that I am going to talk about digital marketing products to you.

So you have to understand influencer marketing is an art of making people talk about who these are those

people who are all really popular on the Internet space and they have a set of followers.

So full type of influencers that you will see celebrities publishers fans and friends celebrities and

publishers have larger reach.

Fans and friends will have hired Solomonson Yosemite's could be popular personalities apples actress

journalist and these are the people who already have a huge following.

For example you will see Amitabh Bachchan talking about their insurance plan on his Facebook page.

Sometimes we'll talk about the chronic because he gets paid for talking about the same point of time

you will see a popular celebrity talking about a story that she has visited or has visited by either

because he is friends with that part of your story or not or because he is paid for it.

So celebrities use social media to talk about businesses because they often find that people post a

lot of people post and feel like a piece for me because they have a huge following in this we immediately

get brand that pay attention to the means of the popularity of accessibility.

Their publishers.

Remember I spoke about social publishing.

These publishers are not averse Michael bloggers.

They are active social media users.

They are activists viewers.

These are the ones who are basically vital to us all.

So they go tweet me Facebook post insult them post if I can block posts so that a lot of people who

follow their blogs or who follow them on Instagram get to know about.

So I follow a lot of town bloggers.

I follow a lot of food bloggers so whenever there's something new in the town these guys go about it

and they speak about it on the space and I would follow some of the fashion shows.

So when I follow these guys what I have known here is they will talk about a lot of interesting things.

They get paid for it and I get to learn from them so that as publishers you only need to go into space

then they are fast.

Their customers windows employees in the real world.

They will go about your business to be if you love my wall you will talk about it to people so that

because I have I'm trying to build a relationship with you and then to have friends your family your

relatives your close friends who we will talk about what you have been doing.

I have always found my dad is the best influencer Actually my mom because they go and they keep boasting

about it to their friends about me.

So that is influencer marketing at both level that they do.


I'm sure your parents or your dad or your mom keep boasting about you to their family or to their family

members or to their friends about the work that you do.

That is not Should into into marketing about people who could create influence for your product of service

or people influence other people with regards to your products or services.

Then comes the marketing.

The most interesting company I have even uploaded a video about it which you love the most.

I think marketing is the process of making people fall into into marketing is ask those who speak about


You get the affiliate marketing you don't get paid for speaking about it but when somebody is trying

to trust your words and you make them buy that particular product on the Internet.

When people purchase that product these affiliate marketers get college example.

When I spoke about the Mike that I use the Internet and I used it link and people parties I own 200

to be scummers so that at least every month I make some money because I recommend products to people

and they buy that particular product.

I make some money this year.

So this interaction is Affiliate Marketing see where you use the potential of people in order to promote

your product or services to level the effort to promote your product and services because they are on

commission so they even use the product and talk about the positives and negatives of using that part

of the product.

That's not the guys in.

Your Marketing is about integrated marketing campaigns.

Your web site is a nucleus unique content you Iraqi cities you do blog posts you do e-mail marketing

you create landing pages you do webinars you do even presentations your videos on YouTube.

You use social media channels and you use the news and DVDs and print in order to drive traffic your


So your web site is the nucleus of your blog and you use your title that traffic here.

You want your website back on these channels you're indulging Lieschen is out there in order to see

how you can maximize your digital marketing efforts interaction.

Otherwise if traffic that your brain and the convulsions that happens on your backside.

So you should always remember to have a block or have an upside in order to drive conversions for your


So when you start seeing people coming to your site there's one more company which is called conversion

rate optimization where you stop learning about the behavior of people on your website.

How many people click on the button.

How many people click on the red button.

How many people get attracted to a particular awful homely people don't get attracted to a particular

of will you start analyzing the behavior of people.

There are various tools in the market that can actually help you understand how people behave after

they come to your website which gives birth to a new segmentation it is called Can Lead optimization.

So natural data is digital McCabe's see if you love me and you follow me on Twitter if you love my video

please subscribe to my YouTube channel which is You-Tube dot com.

That's sort of G.

Do not forget to click on the subscribe button and belly button which is just next to it so that I am

uploading something new.

You will get in on the vacation.

Thank you so much of patiently listening to me.

Please tell your friends about this particular cause because they should benefit.

That's how you're benefiting actually.